Beyond Narratives: Clarifying TPLF Legitimacy and Exposing Abiy Ahmed’s Manipulation in Tigray
Recent international media coverage depicts Tigray as facing renewed internal strife, factional struggles, and potential conflict. However, these portrayals misinterpret critical aspects of the political landscape, particularly regarding the Tigray People’s Liberation Front (TPLF) and individuals such as Getachew Reda. Misrepresentation of TPLF Dynamics Media outlets like the BBC and Reuters inaccurately label the legitimate majority of TPLF members as…
Adwa: The Hidden Cost to Tigrayan Identity
The Battle of Adwa in 1896 is immortalized in history as Ethiopia’s defiant stand against Italian colonialism, a moment of African pride and resilience. Widely celebrated as a symbol of Black resistance, it is often presented as a unifying triumph for Ethiopia and a beacon for Pan-Africanism. Yet, beneath this polished narrative lies a troubling reality for Tigrayans, who bore…
The AU Assembly, Abiy’s Ambitions, and the Shadow of War: A Fragile Peace in Ethiopia
The recent African Union (AU) Assembly brought Ethiopia’s fragile peace process into sharp focus, revealing a complex interplay of shifting political strategies and calculated maneuvers. While the Tigray People’s Liberation Front (TPLF) sought to elevate the Cessation of Hostilities Agreement (COHA) as an international issue, Abiy Ahmed’s administration worked behind the scenes to control the narrative in its favor. Despite…
Breaking the Silence: Why Tigray Must Speak with Absolute Clarity in the Face of Manipulated Mediation
Tigray’s Communication Failure and Abiy’s Strategy of Incremental Control Four years ago, Abiy declared that he would “solve the TPLF problem in days, not weeks or months.” And in the first month of the war, he played the role of a victorious commander—marching into peaceful and unarmed Mekelle, boasting that no military had achieved such a feat. He assured Ethiopians…
The Illusion of ሽምግልና: Balancing Mediation with Political Realities
The ongoing ሽምግልና efforts in Mekelle, initiated by concerned Tigrayans seeking to unlock the prevailing political deadlock, represent a significant attempt at fostering dialogue and stability in Tigray. If this effort aims to resolve the governance crisis in Tigray through pragmatic restructuring—ensuring a balanced political framework that acknowledges existing realities while upholding Tigray’s core interests—then it deserves recognition. However, while…
The Voice of Tigray: A United Call for Justice, Restoration, and Reparations
In response to Abiy Ahmed’s deceptive calls for peace in Tigray Prime Minister Abiy Ahmed’s approach towards Tigray reflects a pattern of overconfidence rooted in a calculated yet fundamentally flawed strategy. While his administration may perceive its grip on power as unassailable, history has proven time and again that the Tigrayan struggle transcends brute force—it is an existential question of…
Understanding the TDF Commanders’ Pragmatism: A Response to Misguided Critics
Certain academic elites and factions aligned with Getachew Reda have criticized the Tigray Defense Forces (TDF) following the TDF commanders’ declaration of recognizing one TPLF after its 14th congress. These critics accuse the TDF of militarizing politics and failing to grasp the realities of Tigray’s dire circumstances and the existential threats it faces—particularly from Abiy Ahmed’s regime. This critique reflects…
A Call for Vigilance: Abiy’s ብርጌድ ንሓመዱ (BNH) Strategy and Tigray’s Path Forward
Faced with persistent conflicts in Amhara and Oromia, Abiy Ahmed finds himself increasingly cornered. Meanwhile, the TPLF’s strategic evolution signals a growing challenge to his authority. To maintain control and distract from internal instability, he is now seeking to ignite further unrest in the region, seeing an opportunity to reshape the political landscape to his advantage. Abiy Ahmed’s recent political…
Tigray’s Future at Stake: A Call for Immediate TIRA Reform
As we delve deeper into the quagmire of Tigray’s political impasse, the reality on the ground indicates a troubling intensification of divisions rather than a progression towards resolution. The people of Tigray, burdened by years of war, displacement, and uncertainty, deserve more than political stagnation. In light of this, I propose an immediate restructuring of the Tigray Interim Regional Administration…
The People of Tigray: Beyond the Echo Chambers of Social Media
Social media has become a powerful tool for shaping political narratives and advocating for causes, but its impact is far from universally positive. In many developing regions, the unchecked rise of social media activism has often exacerbated divisions, spread misinformation, and created a false sense of authority among those with access to digital platforms. The case of Tigray exemplifies these…
What TDF Commanders Declare Is What Tigray Needs
At this critical juncture, the well-structured and thoroughly deliberated declaration by TDF commanders, a decision that took days of careful discussion and concluded yesterday, signals an unprecedented move to break the political deadlock within Tigray’s leadership. The statement, issued amid escalating tensions between the TPLF splinter group led by Getachew Reda and TPLF, underscores the military’s dissatisfaction with the Tigray…
Trapped Between Principle and Power: TDF’s Command at a Crossroads
Tigrayans have long been admired for their principled stance, resilience, and determination in the face of adversity. These traits have been central to the region’s survival and its people’s identity. Yet, in the wake of the genocidal war (2021-2022) and its devastating consequences, the Tigray Defense Forces (TDF) leadership appears mired in indecision, unable to present a unified front or…
Tigray’s Path to Peace: Navigating the Political Deadlock
The current political crisis in Tigray has reached a critical juncture, threatening to derail the progress made under the Pretoria Agreement and destabilize the region further. I sincerely believe that Abiy Ahmed neither has the desire nor the will to restore the status quo ante nor to bring lasting peace to Tigray and the northern parts of the region. Tigray…
The Western Approach to TPLF and Tigray: Strategic Reflections
The United States and its Western allies have consistently shown a strategic interest in Ethiopia, particularly in Tigray’s politics. Recent actions suggest a concerted effort to weaken or eliminate the Tigray People’s Liberation Front (TPLF) as a political force. This approach, often framed as a necessary step to stabilize Ethiopia and align it with neoliberal economic models, is fundamentally flawed.…
ይኣክል! “Enough is Enough!”
Abiy Ahmed, the current Prime Minister of Ethiopia, has become the architect of unprecedented suffering for Tigray and Tigrayans. His governance is defined by a deep-seated animosity toward Tigray, marked by sinister orchestration of policies and actions designed to isolate, weaken, and devastate the region. From deliberate acts of economic strangulation to fostering violence and displacement, Abiy’s agenda, from the…
ቐዳምነት ዘለዎ፣ ክንህቦ ዝግባዕ ዛዕባ ሕማምን ጸገምን ትግራይ
ብዙህ ሰብና ብዛዕባ ድሕነት ትግራይ እንክዛረብ እንከሎ እቲ ኣብ ፖለቲካዊ ውድባትና ብፍላይ ኣብ ህወሓት ዘሎ ናይ ፖለቲካ ክልሰ ሓሳብ ምምዕርራይ ከምዘድልዮን ከምዝግባዕን ክትንትኑ ይዕዘብ። ንቡርን ባሕሪያውን እዩ ኢለ ይኣምን። ግና፣ እቲ መሰረታዊ ሕጂ ዘለናሉ ኹነታት ፖለቲካዊ ምምዕርራይ ብቀዳምነት ዘድልዮ ጉዳይ ጌይረ ኣይወስዶን። ሕጂ ትግራይ ተቐቒራትሉ ዘላ ዋና ሓደጋ ግዝዓታዊ ሓድነታ ተጋሒሱ፣ ሓለዋት ሕዝቢ ኣብ ከቢድ ሓደጋ ዝወደቐሉ ኹነታት ኢና ዘለና።…
እቲ ሕጂ ትግራይ ኣትያቶ ዘላ ቅልውላውን መዋጺኡውን
ቀንዲ መበገሲ ሓቅታት፣ ኣብይ ኣሕመድ ንምዕራብን ደቡብን ትግራይ ናብ ሕገመንግስታዊ ዋናታቶም ናይ ምምላስ ድሌትን ቕሩብነትን ኣለዎ ወይ ከዓ ክሕለዎ ይኽዕል እዩ ኢልካ ምሕሳብ ለዋሕነት እዩ። ኣይገብሮን። ኣብይ ኣሕመድ ምስ ኤርትራ ዘለዎ ርክብ ዋና መበገሲ ዝግበሮ ስትራቴጂ ንትግራይ ምድኻም እስካብ ዝጠቐሞ ጥራሕን ጥራሕን እዩ። ኣብዞም ኽልተ ሓቅታት ተደሪኽና፣ ኹሎም ኣብ ትግራይ ብዘተፈላለይ ኣረዳድዓ ዝተሰለፉ ሓይልታት ንቲ ሕዝቢ ግልጺ ጌሮም ክገልጹሉ ዝግበኦምን…
A Politics Centered on Hate: Reflections on Jawar Mohammed’s Recent Rhetoric
Politics rooted in hate inevitably implode. Hate may mobilize temporarily, but it cannot build enduring coalitions or sustain progress. This is the predicament individuals like Jawar Mohammed and Abiy Ahmed face today. Both have harnessed deep-seated hatred toward Tigray and the TPLF, leveraging it to unify disparate factions such as the Amhara elites, and others across Ethiopia. However, this foundation…
The Political Illness in Tigray: Diagnosing and Addressing the Crisis Within the TPLF
This analysis represents a personal perspective from a technical professional born and raised in Addis Ababa, who later began his career in Tigray in the mid-1990s and spent significant time living and working there. Nowadays, in an era dominated by social media, where individuals from all walks of life actively share their reflections—some even shaping public opinion as social activists—it…